Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's, revised

So, I had a New Year's post. Then I realized it was kind of self-defeating. How am I ever going to get over the terrible things that happened last year if I keep talking about them? Sounds like I'm running away from my problems, right? No. I call it a tactical retreat, arming myself with good times till I'm capable of looking back with a smile.

That might be the corniest thing I've ever written. But I've learned that it's so much easier to face the negative parts of life when you've had a lot of good times. So, let's waste no time in talking about the past and move on.

Here are my resolutions, such as they are.

1. Write The Altar. If I don't write and publish the story of Joseph Zerra, Ralis and the Genius, it will kill me. I know where I want to go with the story. I have it all laid out. Now it's time for the long hard slog of translating my vision into text. But I just HAVE to write this book. 

2. Get better at drumming! I don't know if I'm coming back to Maryland's marching band, but I do know that my chops are nowhere near where I want them to be if I come back to Peake for 2011-2012. I'm discovering just how badly I was handicapped by playing saxophone for four years at Souderton...well, all my life, really. For the first time, there are people pointing out flaws in the way I play that I never even knew I had...I'm not used to someone paying constant attention to the basses at all! I've been working on my technique all break, but I'm honestly terrified that I'll come back and it'll all be for naught. 

3. Get a 4.0 GPA. I was .2% short of it last semester. I know I can manage it, especially with my weeknights free thanks to the end of band. What can I say? I'm a perfectionist. 

4. I think this is going to be a recurring resolution: make the year not suck. But this time, I've got a bit more of a concrete focus. By 'make the year not suck,' I mean...Focus on the positives. Don't act like there are no negatives, but don't let them drag you down either. Don't feel like you have to fix everything that's wrong with the world. Find your outlet and take advantage of it. 

New addition!
5. Paraphrased from Casey:
Don't use the words 'ugly or 'fat' to describe people.
Don't use the word 'gay' to describe anything except people that are actually homosexual. 

That's all I've got. 

Bring it on, 2011. I could use a fresh start.


Anonymous said...

Mike, do write that book. I want to read it very badly. perhaps you'll be the next George Orwell with "1984."


Casey said...

Geez Mike you didn't have to go and delete your whole dealy just because I told you why I didn't. :)

Good luck on your resolutions, kid, it's gonna be an interesting year.

Mike said...

Colton: I'm hardly aiming for a political commentary...
Casey: It needed deleting anyway; it was just too angsty to be proud of.