Monday, November 23, 2009

Wanderer (Star-Crossed Promises)

(Normally I like to have a chorus, two verses and a bridge, but I'm not feeling a bridge right now. Honest criticism is welcomed and encouraged; I'm a bit rusty in this field. As usual, these are influenced by some song; specifically Emery's "The Poor and the Prevalent," though I didn't borrow the rhythms exactly, it gives you an image of what sound I have in my head when I write. Rambling over.)

This isn’t how the writers said the story would end.
This isn’t anything like how I wanted it to be.
I know these star-crossed promises are made to be broken
But I didn’t want these severed ties to cut so deep

I’ll make amends, and you’ll make a mess, showing contempt for all my attempts
To reconcile. But you’ll call me your bile: when unseen it’s fine, but the sight’s so vile.
I dare not speak, ‘cause you’ll say naught to me, but I can’t stop the sting when I see
The pain in your countenance, a desperate cry for second chance, and all I want is for you to be free.

Yes, I know how the prophets said the story would end.
And it’s nothing like the way it played out in my dreams.
I know these star-crossed promises are made to be broken,
But I can’t bear to watch you suffer through this silently

I chose this road; it’s the right one I know, but I didn’t think it’d lead so far from your own.
I have no regrets, and we owe not a debt. But how can I keep my mouth shut when you let
Yourself fall apart, and your soul loses heart? I’m no saint but can I still do my part
Before you find too late you’re lost? ‘Cause I’ll blame myself at any cost, ‘cause all I want is for you to be free.

Yes, I know how the prophets said the story would end.
And it’s nothing like the way it played out in my dreams.
I know these star-crossed promises are made to be broken,
But I can’t bear to watch you suffer through this silently.


M.Gillmer said...

I am intrigue.

Mike said...

that's the idea. =)

how so?

Jenny said...

I am impressed by you. Good job. :]

Mike said...

Gracias, sister =)

M.Gillmer said...

Hrm...dunno. I like the lyrics, rhyme is nice. What kind of instrumentation would it be put to were it made?

Mike said...

Post-hardcore band (drums, bass, at least one guitar, vocalist, possibly a screamer for effect). As I said, I had Emery in mind when I wrote it.

Jenny said...

hmm. when i was reading it i imagined more of a anberlin *fin sort of beginning and ending. but then again, that's MY mind. not yours. :P

Mike said...


If you really want details, the chorus is in 4/4 and the verses are in 6/8.