Tuesday, November 10, 2009

well howdy.

This is just to prove that I'm actually here.

I'll update this when I can. I'm hoping I can make this more than the 'this is how my day went' sort of blog...although I'm certain it will degrade to that status once in a while. I'll generally post lyrics (originals if I come up with any, otherwise it'll just be lyrics from really good songs) and things about which I need to rant. I'm hoping to get some decent discussion going. Wishful thinking? Yeah, probably.

Just for your information:
"Finding solace in silence" references a Project 86 song entitled "Solace." It's fantastic. The lyrics send chills down my spine. You should all buy the album which is also fantastic. Anyway, this particular snippet is rather appropriate for me...more on that with the next post.

The whole "patron saint of lost causes" bit is taken from a song by Anberlin, entitled "*(Fin)" (the same line also appears in "Dismantle.Repair.", but I like *(Fin) better). However everything after the word "causes" in the subtitle is original.

I would have named this blog weshallnotbemoved.blogspot (Flobots reference), or patronsaintoflostcauses... or saltinthesnow (The Classic Crime reference) but apparently both of those were taken. Go, blogspot writers, for having excellent taste in music.

And now, to study for Euro. Peace.